Wednesday, October 31, 2007


It that time again. This year I will be playing the roll of a Halloween version of Scrooge. We are not handing out candy. In fact I’m are going to pick up a pizza for dinner, then we will turn off all the lights and retreat to the back of the house to watch a movie.

Last Halloween I was home, I cannot remember how many years that has been, this was how the night went. As it was getting dark, we had several local neighborhood children and parents come to the door, which was a pleasure. This was great chance to catch up with the neighbors and see the cute costumes of the little kiddies. But since Shell is pregnant and I don’t want her to frequently get up for the door. In addition, I won’t be home from work until later so this part I will probably miss out on anyways.

Back to the last Halloween. Then later that evening, I opened the door to see several older kids trick and treating. Behind them in the street was two cars parked with doors open and a flood of kids flowing out. This reminded me of the circus act where all the clowns are pilling out of the car and you think to yourself, how many more of them can really be in there, as it continues. This act created a constant stream of kids at the door. Yes parents were dropping groups of kids off in our neighborhood, which brought me to the conclusion that we (we as in neighbors) give out too good of treats. So to save the cash and constant annoyance after the initial rush we’ll spend our last Halloween as non-parents relaxing watching a movie.

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