Monday, October 8, 2007


Today started out as a normal work day. Struggling out of bed at 4:30 in morning. Trying to wake up with a nice hot shower while trying to motivate myself to get out and get ready for work. Then trying to get a few more minutes of sleep on the vanpool drive while attempting not to loose my breakfast with speed racer behind the wheel. Reaching my final destination, my desk. But at the later event I was surprised with a present from Santa. He left me a shinny new computer. OH JOY!!!!! HAPPY DAY!!!!! I am so glad I’ve been a good boy this year.

This was such a pleasant event, since my old computer had a processor equivalent to the slide rule. The heap of crap, aka old computer, was so slow that it was a daily practice for it to freeze up or be so slow that I would have to reboot multiple times. Anyway back today, I logged in waiting for a little while letting Microsoft Office do its initial thing. Then coming to find that nothing was been transferred to the new computer. For those who have previous read Garfield, you’ll know there is always one re-occurring event that he extremely dislikes more than anything else is MONDAYS.

So after leaving a message with IT, I started searching, loading, installing, etc.. items that I need to do my job. After a couple hours of struggling to remember where all these items are located (the few I did remember), I finally decided that there were enough to do some work. This was about the time the IT person showed up to transfer my previous computer configuration. Even though I wasted a couple hours I was thankful for the help. 15 minutes later he was done and on his way. So I waited for the system to reboot and configure, ending up with duplicates of all the items I was trying to restore. This took another hour to eliminate these items and final get to work.

Then it was lunch time and time to share this lovely Monday contribution. Damn I could have sleep until noon and would have accomplished the same amount of work.

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