Thursday, September 20, 2007

Do you understand the words coming out of my mouth!

Previously I remember hearing that dogs can comprehend around 200 words of the English (or other) language.

I consistently talk to Bailey everyday, even though I feel that she just doesn’t understand anything I’m saying. Shell’s thoughts are that she understands, but chooses not to listen. Either way Bailey gives me a look that says she doesn’t understand. Lately the frequency of talking to Bailey has increased or maybe I’ve just noticed it more. I came to this conclusion the other day when I started answering for her also. Anyway, I stated thinking about the statement above and here are some of my thoughts on the subject, if anybody cares.

Was there any research behind this number? At first I imagined numerous dogs is some lab, having grad students teaching these dogs a list of words. Then researchers would come back later, starting from the end of the list and see where they ended up. Then I don’t see how any of this would work, mainly because I could tell Bailey to go jump in traffic a certain way and she would act happy about it.

Which brings me to my next question. Is this the number varied for how smart the dog? I have had a couple of very stupid dogs growing up. As one story my dad likes to tell when the subject of stupid animals comes up. Peanuts, some sort of mutt I had, decided that a nice snack would be fish hooks out of dads tackle box. I’m sure for each hook the dog ate, 10 additional words were lost from his total. Anyway that number has to vary. Or the number is right and some dogs choose to ignore you more.

Unable to satisfactorily answer the questions above myself and I have no desire to research for the answers brings to the following. Whether the statement is true or not, I’ll still talk to Bailey and guessing from my recent observation I’ll answer for her too.

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