Sunday, September 23, 2007

4 Month Anniversary

Yesterday, was exactly 4 months since I started my final trip home, leaving Iceland FOR-EV-ER. Now you may be asking why make a post for the 4 month anniversary, a kind of unusual number? Well since I did not even notice the anniversary date last month, 1 month after is too short, and I don’t want to wait for 6 months or a year.

To celebrate this occasion, a recap on the top 5 things I miss and don’t miss. You may ask again why 5 and not 10? I would have to say, “boy you ask a lot of questions”. Well the answer is I cannot think of 10 things I miss, OKAY!! Here we go

Top 5 Items I Miss About Iceland:

5 Holiday/Europe trips - 2 weeks off at a time, every 8 weeks. As for the Europe Trips were a lot easier for me to catch a 2 hour flight over a 8+ hours flight. I still hate to fly.

4 Busier At Work - My position was a little more fast paced.

3 Cooler Temperature - After being away from home for awhile, coming back at the start of summer was a little difficult due to the adjust quickly to the extreme temperature difference.

2 Friends - Fairly straight forward, but I miss all the friends I made while I was in Iceland

1 Money - More hours with uplift.

Top 5 Items I Don’t Miss About Iceland:

5 Hours Worked a Week - Working 10 to 14 hours a day, 6 to 7 days a week. Needless to say I was burnt out.

4 Location - Liked my job, hated the location. First, there was only 2 days in the span of a year and half that I did not have to wear a jacket at some point in the day. Needed some warm weather, aka summer. Second, in the summer you can’t sleep since it is day all the time. You’re always tired. In the winter it is always dark which is depressing and you always want to sleep. You’re always tired

3 8x8 Cell, I mean dorm room - Not exactly sure if this was the size, but it is damn close

2 Food - No more sheep burgers, fish, mystery meat, or smell of meals that would automatically turn me away.

1 Being away from home - Glad to be back.

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