Thursday, September 27, 2007

Hot Pocket Yummmm........

When ever I am running late for work, I’ll quickly throw together my lunch for the day. The usually is carrots, a granola bar, a soda, and hot pocket. All items I’m able to assemble quickly, which was the case today with trying to help get Shell ready for her trip.

Well today for lunch I went to get in line for one of the microwaves for the hot pocket. Just a few notes, there is one particular microwave at work that must be turned on extremely high. Most food is usually cooked in half the time. The majority of the time this is the microwave that becomes available when it is my turn.

So today I place my hot pocket in this microwave and set on 1 minute, very fast, and stepped out of the way of the fridges. Around 40 seconds later I heard my food pop and while I was making my way to see what it was going on, it exploded. Well I should say the all the filling squirted out and splattered everywhere, all that was left was basically the crust. So grab many paper towels and tried to get all the filling. Leaving the rest after lunch when nobody was using this microwave. Always fun when you have to scrap off barbecue sauce the sides of a microwave. I must have looked fairly sad, due to the fact the janitor came up to me and said he would take care of the rest. Of course he was probably grateful I went back to attempt to clean up my mess

Notre Dame News Brief!!

NEWS BRIEF: Notre Dame football practice was delayed nearly 2 hours after a player reported finding an unknown white powdery substance on the practice field. Head coach Charlie Weiss immediately suspended practice while South Bend Police and federal investigators were called to investigate. After a complete analysis, FBI forensic experts determined that the white substance unknown to the players was the goal line. Practice was resumed after special agents decided the team was unlikely to encounter the substance again.

Initially I thought this could of happened for ISU’s football team. Then I realized most likely this has happened a very long time ago, and over the years with such a frequency that the PPD and FBI ignore their calls now.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Rumor Has It

Supposedly Mr. Updates, Suckas! will be arriving in town this weekend. The whole thing is that Shell and I have heard these rumors before and seeing is believing. Seems like he has dropped off the earth, no updates on the blog, no response on the email. Only time will tell.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Football Week 3 (4th week for college)

10 - Well for some reason, which they were incapable of doing the first and second week, Michigan actually showed up to the game against number 10 ranked Penn State and won. Who would of thunk.

9 - The Bunglers where back to their old selves against Eastern Washington. Final score 34-7. I don’t know any further detail, but I guess a positive would be that they at least scored a touchdown.

8 - Notre Dame lost their 4th in row and remain winless this season. I find this good news. The sad part is that everyone of their games are still televised.

7 - Since I live near the sea chickens, I kind of cheer for them. This week they were able to squeeze by the Bangles with a 4th quarter touchdown. Way to go chickens

6 - For those who play fantasy football, I find it hard to enjoy the games as much if I trying to track my players. The first two weeks I was able to just enjoy the games, but this week I was flipping back and forth from channel to channel, trying to see players on my fantasy team.

5 - I still cannot believe the Packers are undefeated and of course Farve breaking all the records. I still think he should be retired.

4 - Another loss by the Browns. Normal I don’t cheer against them, unless they are playing a certain Texas team, but the worse they do this year the better draft pick for you know who.

3 - After barely loosing to the Broncos last weekend, the Raiders actually won (I know that this is also part of 4, but I had to stretch this week for 10). The amazing part is that coached pulled the same trick the Broncos did last weekend and it worked. The coach called a timeout before the ball was snapped for an attempt at a game winning field goal. It would have been good if it wasn’t for the timeout. The second attempt was missed.

2 - Even more unbelievable than the Packers are the Saints and Rams, which still have not won a game this year.

1 - To be honest, I was a little worried about the Cowboys against the Bears. Mainly due to the last couple years the offense would play a couple good games and then fall apart. But that was with other coaches and quarterbacks. The Cowboys offense destroyed the Bears defense, relative to extremely good defense. Most people I talked too about the game found it boring. Low scoring first half and the then Dallas ran away in the second, which I enjoyed it very much.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Same shape and color, but there is a BIG DIFFERENCE!!

This weekend at the grocery store, I was buying food for this week lunches. While I was walking down the cookie/cracker isle and decided that a box of Cheddar Jack Cheez-Its would be quite divine, which I recently had and enjoyed very much. After making this selction I continued down the isle and noticed that “Cheese Nips” where on sale for only a $1.00 box. Since I haven’t had these for such a long time and they are so cheap, I decided to go with the later instead.

I not sure if anything has changed in the world of cheese nips, but these are awful. Not worthy of the dollar. In fact the next box I take home, someone will have to pay me. On a side note I decided to give almost full box to the intern sitting next to me at work. He was grateful, probably the poor student thing previously made a cheese nip acceptable.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

4 Month Anniversary

Yesterday, was exactly 4 months since I started my final trip home, leaving Iceland FOR-EV-ER. Now you may be asking why make a post for the 4 month anniversary, a kind of unusual number? Well since I did not even notice the anniversary date last month, 1 month after is too short, and I don’t want to wait for 6 months or a year.

To celebrate this occasion, a recap on the top 5 things I miss and don’t miss. You may ask again why 5 and not 10? I would have to say, “boy you ask a lot of questions”. Well the answer is I cannot think of 10 things I miss, OKAY!! Here we go

Top 5 Items I Miss About Iceland:

5 Holiday/Europe trips - 2 weeks off at a time, every 8 weeks. As for the Europe Trips were a lot easier for me to catch a 2 hour flight over a 8+ hours flight. I still hate to fly.

4 Busier At Work - My position was a little more fast paced.

3 Cooler Temperature - After being away from home for awhile, coming back at the start of summer was a little difficult due to the adjust quickly to the extreme temperature difference.

2 Friends - Fairly straight forward, but I miss all the friends I made while I was in Iceland

1 Money - More hours with uplift.

Top 5 Items I Don’t Miss About Iceland:

5 Hours Worked a Week - Working 10 to 14 hours a day, 6 to 7 days a week. Needless to say I was burnt out.

4 Location - Liked my job, hated the location. First, there was only 2 days in the span of a year and half that I did not have to wear a jacket at some point in the day. Needed some warm weather, aka summer. Second, in the summer you can’t sleep since it is day all the time. You’re always tired. In the winter it is always dark which is depressing and you always want to sleep. You’re always tired

3 8x8 Cell, I mean dorm room - Not exactly sure if this was the size, but it is damn close

2 Food - No more sheep burgers, fish, mystery meat, or smell of meals that would automatically turn me away.

1 Being away from home - Glad to be back.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Do you understand the words coming out of my mouth!

Previously I remember hearing that dogs can comprehend around 200 words of the English (or other) language.

I consistently talk to Bailey everyday, even though I feel that she just doesn’t understand anything I’m saying. Shell’s thoughts are that she understands, but chooses not to listen. Either way Bailey gives me a look that says she doesn’t understand. Lately the frequency of talking to Bailey has increased or maybe I’ve just noticed it more. I came to this conclusion the other day when I started answering for her also. Anyway, I stated thinking about the statement above and here are some of my thoughts on the subject, if anybody cares.

Was there any research behind this number? At first I imagined numerous dogs is some lab, having grad students teaching these dogs a list of words. Then researchers would come back later, starting from the end of the list and see where they ended up. Then I don’t see how any of this would work, mainly because I could tell Bailey to go jump in traffic a certain way and she would act happy about it.

Which brings me to my next question. Is this the number varied for how smart the dog? I have had a couple of very stupid dogs growing up. As one story my dad likes to tell when the subject of stupid animals comes up. Peanuts, some sort of mutt I had, decided that a nice snack would be fish hooks out of dads tackle box. I’m sure for each hook the dog ate, 10 additional words were lost from his total. Anyway that number has to vary. Or the number is right and some dogs choose to ignore you more.

Unable to satisfactorily answer the questions above myself and I have no desire to research for the answers brings to the following. Whether the statement is true or not, I’ll still talk to Bailey and guessing from my recent observation I’ll answer for her too.


Okay I’ve also come to the 2 conclusions when I was typing the post above. 1 - Driving/riding 2 hours a day to get to and from work, gives me too much time to think of stupid crap like subject above. 2 - Since I stopped smoking I need breaks through out the day, I usually take these 5 minute breaks by writing posts for this blogs. So now I get to share all these stupid thoughts with everyone. I bet everyone is feeling privileged.


Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Football Week 2

For some reason I’m unable to get out enough football talk at work (aka around the water cooler), so here we go with week 2

10 - Start will college football again. Can Michigan or Notre Dame can actually win a game? Only when the play each other. Better luck next year for the Irish.

9 - I would be surprised if they showed the flight between the two mascots again on TV. Thankfully for YouTube, which nothing will ever die. That crazy duck beating the crap out of a cougar.

8 - There goes ISU winning record, their back to being average again. Oregon State was too much to handle, by the tune of 51 points, unlike central southern Oregon junior college or something like that. By the way that is Idaho not Iowa. The other ISU can actually win a game against a decent team, they beat Iowa this weekend. At least ISU (Idaho) record is not below average, which will most likely change after next weeks game.

7 - This season already has way too many scandal. First, the whole Vick and dog fighting before the season began. Then not even through the first week and the Patriots get caught cheating. Now, OJ getting arrested for stealing. Good thing it is not really a football scandal, instead it is a dumba** that use to play football scandal.

6 - The Patriots seem to have found a receiver that actually help Brady. Of course it is only week 2 and it is against a team with all new coaches. I’m sure there is a bit of a learning curve, but then again the team is still the chargers and last year they had a very good defense.

5 - Tough one for Seattle Sea Chicken fans. After from going to a be a blow out by the Cards, to the chickens start a come back and looking like they are going to win, and then blowing it at the end with a bad handoff. But after watching part of the 49ers and St Louis game yesterday, I would not worry too much. From what I seen, it will not take too much to win the division.

4 - I still cannot believe that Denver strategy for icing a kicker worked. If you did not see, in overtime the Raiders set up for a game winning field goal when Denver called a timeout right before the snap. Of course the play proceeded over the whistle and the kick went through the uprights. The Raiders of course celebrating the win, came to realize what happened. Then second attempt was missed, hitting the top of uprights. Resulting in Denver having the ball and being able to drive down the field for the win. Never mind the Raiders kicker is 1 for 5 this season, which would be a good average if I was talking baseball.

3 - Congratulations go out to a Football senior citizen Bret Favre who is the all-time leader in career wins as a starting QB. Wonder which record he will surpass next: Dan Marino's TD record (3 needed) or George Blanda's interception record (2 needed)? Since he won’t retire himself, the Packers need to do it after this season.

2 - Cowboys win, was there any doubt? Of course the answer is no. Prior to this game, Joey Porter of Miami proceeded to tell the press that Marion Barber was basically a weak player. Then Marion proceeded to run over Porter at one point in the game. Luckily I was not announcing the game, due to the fact I would have pointed this out on the broadcast and make sure everyone watching know that Porter is an a**.

1 - Now I know that my number 1 is almost automatic if Dallas wins, but the shoot out between the Bangles and Browns couldn’t have been beat. This was the best game this weekend, if you considering the defensive teams on both sides did not bother showing up. I still amazed the Browns won. Total of 11 passes for touchdown, and ranked 8 highest point total for a game.

Monday, September 17, 2007

The Emmy’s

Last night as I was laying bed trying to go to sleep, while Shell was watching the Emmy’s. I wasn’t fully paying attention, but it seemed that every category had someone nominated from Grey's Anatomy, or The Sopranos, or both. After a little while, I started wondering why any network would want to host this award show. If I ran a TV network, the last thing I would want would have a program showing that my competitors are being recognized for their good work. If would be different if Fox was winning the majority of the awards.

Then I realized, there is something else more important than all these thoughts.

I DON’T CARE and I went to sleep.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Football News Shorts

This was the first weekend with an ample amount of action, that counted. There is so much that I could write about, but I will try to keep each subject short. Of course 4 to 5 lines is short for me. Here is my top 10.

10 - Start with the disappointment of the week, Michigan showed again how they do not belong in top 25. I don’t know what was the final score. I know after several touchdown difference, I declared that they suck and turn off the TV. I couldn’t watch anymore.

9 - Speaking of college football and the state of Idaho: The Vandals lost last week to USC. Boise State lost to Washington that ended the longest wining steak in the country. The Bunglers, I mean Bengals actually won a game. I believe they beat South Middle Eastern Oregon State College or something like that. I’m so proud.

8 - On with the NFL. Now we know why the Patriots have been good for so long. They always know what plays the other team is going to run.

7 - The 49ers and Cardinals still suck. This week the 49ers were a little less sucky.

6 - Surprise of the week, after watching several games (or parts of the games). I did not hear a signal word concerning Vick.

5 - Annoyance of week, Madden and Michaels during Sunday Night Football with the consistent talk on how Tikki should return. He is retired, it is about time those two do the same.

4 - The Saints failed miserably to stick it too the Colts. Since Cowboys don’t play the Colts during the regular season this year, they have to wait to kick there butts (again) in the Super Bowl.

3 - I’m still amazed that Denver was able to get the kicking unit on the field and kick the winning field goal in something like 11 seconds. It was been a long time since I enjoyed watching a denver game, oh wait, this is a first.

2 - The Packers actually won. The sweet part is that the Eagles lost, thanks to their special teams. Keep the punt returners in the games.

1 - As for the game of the week. The Cowboys beat the Giants. I never doubted it for a minute. Of course neither team’s defense showed up. If the Cowboys defense doesn’t get the crap together. The only super bowl for Dallas will be 2011, when they host.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

The Wait Is Over.......

I have waited for over 2 years for this event. Tonight Football season starts, and I am located in a place that will actually show the games and I can actually watch these games.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Myspace Users - Beware of the Comments Concerning Macy’s Gift Card

Since leaving for Iceland, I have not frequently visited my myspace page. I occasionally checked to see if there where any notes from friends. But this weekend, I decided to update my profile including a new layout and picture. In addition, a little surfing was done. Well yesterday I heard from Jeanette via Shell that some hacker has invaded my space, sending porn bulletins. OH THAT’S GREAT!!!!

Since I was at work, I had to wait until I got home to deal with this annoyance. Once dealing with this issue I noticed a new comment from myself, some stupid con about a gift card from Macy’s. Anyway I remember seeing the same comment on another friends myspace and I never did click on anything involving this comment. So beware.

New steps in trying to help those nervous flyers

Enough on the stupid phishing. Reading the world news today, I came across this article and had to share. By the way this was not in the Weird section.

Officials at Nepal's state-run airline have sacrificed two goats to appease Akash Bhairab, the Hindu sky god, following technical problems with one of its Boeing 757 aircraft.

Nepal Airlines, which has two Boeing aircraft, has had to suspend some services in recent weeks due to the problem.

The goats were sacrificed in front of the troublesome aircraft Sunday at Nepal's only international airport in Kathmandu in accordance with Hindu traditions, an official said.

I guess this satisfied the sky gods, since I did not see any news about further problems concerning Nepal and air travel.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007


It is so AMAZING and so UNBELIEVABLE that I have to order 5. Your probably asking, what is it? It is the corvette dollar.

Yes that is right, the first car coin with working headlights. I was so excited, I had to share