Wednesday, April 25, 2007


Shortly after we arrived in Paris and our hotel, we decided to walk to the Eiffel Tower. This was probably not the best idea, at least for me since I felt like the walking dead after traveling all day. As we were walking along enjoying the scenery, a man approached us wanting to make a braided bracelet for me. We tried to continue with out stopping, but eventually he got us to stop and started making the bracelet on my wrist. I think if we weren’t so tired, we would have been able to avoid him completely. When he started, Shell told him that we just arrived and did not have any money. But he continued on, a few minutes later he finished and asked for money. We told him again that we did not have any Euros and he started arguing about how we should pay him. I started to get really annoyed so I pulled 500 Icelandic Krona ($7.00) since this is all I had. He thought the money was fake and wanted something else in the form of payment. Finally I had to tell him to take the damn money or take the bracelet back, which he did not fully accept the money until I opened up my wallet showing him that it was empty.

Just to let everyone know that previously, I tried to exchange a 500 Krona bill in the US and they would not accept that small of amount. I think it was just that particular exchange counter, but it gives me hope that this bracelet man would not be able to exchange the money I gave him due the fact that I didn’t want the piece of crap in the first place.

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