Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Football Thoughts for Week 11

Well a loss by Michigan pretty much sealed their fate of a disappointing season. Another trip to a bowl that pretty much doesn’t matter. There goes the head coach into retirement.

Upsets has been this years theme for college football. Well it happen to Oregon and Oklahoma this weekend ending their chances at a National Title. I was kind of rooting for Oregon, so I am left with rooting for Kansas.

One last check of how ISU did this season, confirmed my prediction. They suck. Results are in 3-6, GO BUNGLERS!!!!

Sea Chickens were able to come back from a horrible start, giving up 10 points to the Bears in the opening minutes. I heard a couple of references to this was an opportunity for the hawks to get some revenge on last year losses. It didn’t start out looking like that was going to happen, but were able to complete the task at hand.

I was able to see a little of the Chiefs and Colts game. Even though the Colts won, I am surprised on how awful they look.

The upset of the week in the NFL had to be the Jets over the Steelers. I didn’t think they had a chance. The previous couple of weeks I kept reading about the Steelers should be considered as one of the elite teams of the AFC. Of course I have seen these same statements since, but it is only 1 week.

The Browns came away with the win after seemly losing the game. If you did not see the game. The Browns were attempting a 51 yard field goal to send the game into OT. The ball first hit the upright then deflected across the cross bar and ricocheting back off the camera into the end zone. The call was originally called a missed field goal only to be reversed by replay. Allowing the Browns to win in OT. By the way, field goals are not suppose to be reviewed by instant replay.

What I call the “Grandpa Bowl”, since all major match ups this year are referred to as (something) Bowl. Grandpa Farve’s team beat up Grandpa Vinny’s team.

The Cowboys again won. Also they left their opponent an opportunity to win it at the end. I’m not sure if the Redskins offense is getting better or the cowboys pass defense is not that good. Other thoughts is that no matter how much I dislike TO, I can’t help saying he is having a great season. Anyway I’m happy with the win.

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