Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Giving Thanks

This morning a couple of co-workers were standing behind my desk, discussing what time a meeting was going to be held. I chimed in, “it has been moved to Tuesday.” Just as I finished the sentence, I realized today is Tuesday. So in the spirit of Thanksgiving, I’ll start by giving thanks for the short work week and the long weekend to come.

Football Thoughts for Week 11

Well a loss by Michigan pretty much sealed their fate of a disappointing season. Another trip to a bowl that pretty much doesn’t matter. There goes the head coach into retirement.

Upsets has been this years theme for college football. Well it happen to Oregon and Oklahoma this weekend ending their chances at a National Title. I was kind of rooting for Oregon, so I am left with rooting for Kansas.

One last check of how ISU did this season, confirmed my prediction. They suck. Results are in 3-6, GO BUNGLERS!!!!

Sea Chickens were able to come back from a horrible start, giving up 10 points to the Bears in the opening minutes. I heard a couple of references to this was an opportunity for the hawks to get some revenge on last year losses. It didn’t start out looking like that was going to happen, but were able to complete the task at hand.

I was able to see a little of the Chiefs and Colts game. Even though the Colts won, I am surprised on how awful they look.

The upset of the week in the NFL had to be the Jets over the Steelers. I didn’t think they had a chance. The previous couple of weeks I kept reading about the Steelers should be considered as one of the elite teams of the AFC. Of course I have seen these same statements since, but it is only 1 week.

The Browns came away with the win after seemly losing the game. If you did not see the game. The Browns were attempting a 51 yard field goal to send the game into OT. The ball first hit the upright then deflected across the cross bar and ricocheting back off the camera into the end zone. The call was originally called a missed field goal only to be reversed by replay. Allowing the Browns to win in OT. By the way, field goals are not suppose to be reviewed by instant replay.

What I call the “Grandpa Bowl”, since all major match ups this year are referred to as (something) Bowl. Grandpa Farve’s team beat up Grandpa Vinny’s team.

The Cowboys again won. Also they left their opponent an opportunity to win it at the end. I’m not sure if the Redskins offense is getting better or the cowboys pass defense is not that good. Other thoughts is that no matter how much I dislike TO, I can’t help saying he is having a great season. Anyway I’m happy with the win.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

New Lug Nut Removal Tool

Have you ever had troubles with a lug nut on a tire?

Apparently a 66 old Washington State man did. He got so frustrated he decided to try and loosen it with a 12 gauge shot gun. You probably guessed this, but he was taken to the hospital for the removal of several buckshot/debris in mainly his legs with wounds as high as his chin. The injuries are severe, but not life-threatening.

It was also reported that there was no alcohol involved.

The first thing that came to my mind “That’s brainy!!”

Tuesday, November 13, 2007


I have the re-occurring nightmare of falling, which woke me up this morning. After I was lying in bed for a little while, I decided to get ready for work. Then when I was coming out of the bathroom, I looked at the clock and hurriedly made my lunch on my way out of the door. Thinking I was late. While driving, I noticed that the normal morning show that I have playing every morning wasn’t on. Realizing I was an hour early. Damn day light savings.

Football Thoughts for Week 10

Starting with college football as always, I was happy to see that Ohio State lost. Unfortunately Michigan lost also, which makes next week match up less exciting. But the winner should still go to the rose bowl. GO BLUE!!!!

Three University of Montana players were arrested for burglary. This is the latest in a long line of problems with the law for the program. Looks like Montana’s football program is the college version of the NFLs Bengals. Who would have thought.

I didn’t even bother checking to see how ISU has done for a few weeks, like it matters.

Congratulations goes out to the sea chickens as they destroyed the 49ers.

Funny how before the season the 49ers were picked as a sleeper team. The only negative for me in the 49ers loosing ways is that the Patriots will get there 1st round pick in next years draft.

Speaking of 1st round picks, the Browns (aka Cowboys) pick is not going to be as good as everyone thought. I’ve never said this before, but I was glad to see the Steelers win this week.

Too bad for Adrian Petersen’s injury during the Packers, always fun to see records broken. After the previous week, I was getting tired of hearing all the press handing him the MVP and proclaiming that he would break the rookie rushing record. Where is an idea, wait until it happens.

I must be jinxed, when it comes to fantasy football. One of my leagues I have Brees as my QB, which I’ve played him the first 4 weeks. All Saints losses, with very poor numbers. I decided to go with my back up for the next four games, which were all wins and his improved numbers. Last week, I decided to move him back into the starting lineup against the winless Rams. Sure enough it was a flash back to the first four weeks as the Rams beat the Saints. Maybe I can make a few bucks from Saints fans. How much will they pay for me not to play Brees as my QB.

I’ll have to check to see if the Saints play the Dolphins. If so I might be nice and play Brees again so they can have a win. Then maybe not, since they failed on their best chance this year. By allowing the Bills to come from behind. It also might be fitting for this season to go with the Dolphins season where they did not have a loss. You may be unaware of my power to influence some games, but it is true.

The Patriots are that so good that they did not only kick the Colts butts, but it was so bad that Colts could not beat the horrid Chargers the next week.

I thought it was kind of the Cowboys to let NY think they were in the game during the first half with stupid penalties. Only to take care of them in the second half.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Football Thoughts for Week 9

- Well I glad to see that one of Boston’s teams are not invincible. Too bad it had to be previous ranked #2 Boston College and not the Pats.

- I was disappointed in wins by Ohio State (they can shove “the” you know where) and LSU. I was even more disappointed in Arizona States loss to the ducks.

- Since I’m usually cheering for the underdog in college football, now I’m going to root for Kansas. Speaking of Kansas, I saw the final score against Nebraska and I asked myself if college basketball had already started. Nope they got spanked, 76 points.

- Notre Dame has hit a new low, loosing to Navy. The last time this happened was 1963. Before that it was in the early 1900s. But Notre Dame games are nationally televised each week. Boy it sucks to be NBC or a Notre Dame fan.

- This has to be a relief for both the Rams and Dolphins. They did not loose last weekend. Of course they did play. Next goal is to win at something!

- The shocker of the week for me was the Saints & Jags game. First, the one player suspended on the Jags defense must have been one hell of player, because they really suck now. Second, what were the Saints doing the first few 4 weeks of the season? They no longer suck.

- I saw the score of the next game at half time and thought it was over. Nope I was wrong, due to a fall out of the Sea Chickens, the Browns were able to come back to win in OT. Damnit, I was cheering for the Sea chickens last week. They are screwing up the value of Dallas’ 1st round pick next year.

- I thought since the Hawks lost, I would be able to continue giving a co-worker a hard time. Well he took all the fun out of the this thinking. Before I could even say a word to him on Monday, he stated “THE HAWKS SUCK”. Later in the day I did throw a blow, commenting that .500 is good enough for the lead in the division. But he just seemed to agree and there was no joking around. Damnit!!!

- All I can say about the Colts and Patriots, thank god it is over. As previously noted I was a Colts fan until they gave it away at the end. I was tired of hearing about Superbowl 42 and 1/2. I’m guessing that soon I’ll be tired of hearing of talk that the Pats should just be given the championship trophy and cancel the rest of the season.

- A few records were accomplished last weekend. First the Chargers had a missed field goal returned for a touchdown, 109 yards which cannot be broken. Second Farve has now beat all 31 teams. And last, Petersen had most rushing yards for a game against the very same Chargers. Shell has said that I have been too negative lately, but I cannot help continuing. First 109 yard return, it was fairly easy due to the fact the Vikings had mostly lineman on the field for the play. Second, I think that beating all 31 teams was more impressive for Manning and Brady that complete this task the week before. They accomplished this task in about 8 fewer seasons.

- All disappointments and negativities aside. The Cowboys kicked the Eagles butts on there home field. Prior to the game McNabb said that the NFC East champions still need to come through Philly. Well they came and the Eagles failed to defend anything.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

'Dear Lord: Thank you for bringing me to Eric's house and not to Michael Vick's -- AMEN!'

I was thinking on removing the caption above, mainly due to Vick jokes are becoming old. But anyway the pictures is funny without the joke.

My Random Thoughts for Today Starts with Bon Jovi

I read that he admitted to being a drug dealer (bought and sold cannabis) before finding fame as a rock star. From this statement a couple of thoughts/questions come to mind:

Does this really mean anything, how did this subject even come up? This is not interview with a person like 50 Cent, where he raps about this very subject. Is there a second meaning to some of Bon Jovi songs that I don’t know about?

Then I thought, is this just something to bring attention to him in attempt for another comeback? Nothing like some controversy to get some headlines to sell more albums, this concept has always worked for other musicians. Needless to say, if this was the case, it did not work. I stumbled onto it by accident. Was Bon Jovi’s 1st come back successful?

Yes I realize I’m thinking about this way too much. If anybody knows the answers, please feel free to let me know. If not, I will be okay never knowing.

Finally a lawsuit that I’m glad that it happened

Finally a lawsuit that I’m glad that it happened. A Maryland church that pickets soldiers funerals because the believe God is punishing America for being tolerant of homosexuals and views the death of soldiers as a welcome sign of God’s wrath. They have picketed at least a dozen soldiers funerals. The father of 1 of these solders won $11 Million. Hopeful there are more to come.

The weather

today reminded my of Iceland. Cold and windy. Kind of depressing that winter is almost here. Good thing the weekend is here to cheer me up!!!!!


Tuesday the NBA regular season started. This seems to be too soon to start.

Does anybody else think that the NBA is on the downward spiral. I guess that happens when the refs (gambling) and the NBA itself ruin the game.

The NBA part I’m referring to is suspending a couple of Suns players for leaving the bench, when they took to steps away to see what was going on. Now I’m not saying that decided the series, but it took away from the momentum of the Suns and could be in part what affected the outcome.

It is hard to watch when the Spurs when they are wining, they are so boring. Anyway, I excited to see some games. Go SUNS!!!

My Bi-Annual Bitching

With the upcoming change in Day Light Savings brings my bi-annual question, why in the hell is Day Light Savings still observed? This is the most useless act that results in everybody being screwed up with the time change. Okay I shouldn’t speak for everyone, but my internal clock will be screwed up. I still don’t understand its purpose, or more importantly the reason it is still around and why this year the dates where changed?

My theory is that congress need some dead weight issues and this was one of them. Also, with the heavy reliance for society on computes this also creates additional work, in other words additional jobs.

I’m not sure anything in this post makes any sense, but I had to get it out of my system. No promises that additional bitching about this annoyance will not take place in the future.