Thursday, August 30, 2007

Late Announcement

Earlier this month, prior to leaving for Poky, shell had an ultrasound. Results are in,


The subjects of my posts recently have been a little late. I have to work on my tardiness.

Baby Predictions

Initially I didn’t have a preference on sex of the baby. I would be happier with either a boy or girl. When people found out about the pregnancy, they started predicting it would be a girl. There was many different factors that went into their predictions, but after so many, I started to get annoyed.

Normally I’m not a person to point out mistakes and tell someone they were wrong, but I started hoping for boy. Mainly so I could tell everyone with their own take on the subject “You don’t know what the hell your are talking about”.

So much for my wish, but it is probably better that it is a girl. I should have known better in the first place, mainly due to the fact that we have a name for a boy picked out and no names for a girl.

Monday, August 27, 2007

Responsible Scanner, No De-Shedder for Me!!!!

To go with the De-Shedder post.

This weekend shell and I went to complete a baby registry at Tarché. I was able to handle the duties of the scan gun without any unnecessary scans. Not to say I was not tempted, I was thinking a new game system (Xbox 360) would be fun. No de-shedder for me. If I’m going away from the intended items, I’m going big.

Unnecessary Roughness

It has been awhile since I was able to catch up with the Weird Wide World. While looking over the headline I read this article immediately thinking of the movie Unnecessary Roughness and that this movie could possibly be based on a true story, now. Here is a brief summary of the article:

A 59 year old linebacker return for his senior year of football - Flynt returned to Sul Ross State this month, 37 years after he left and six years before he goes on Medicare. His comeback peaked Wednesday with the coach saying he's made the Division III team's roster. Flynt is giving new meaning to being a college senior. After all, he's a grandfather and a card-carrying member of AARP. He's eight years older than his coach and has two kids older than any of his teammates.

The only differences between this story and the movie are the position the old man plays, the year of school he is entering, and name of school. The name they always change anyways, but it is still in Texas. I know there are movies out there that claim to be based on true stories and have less in common with the real story. I am curious if this guy has watched the movie way too much.

Thursday, August 23, 2007


Well it has been about a week since my last post. This is mainly due to lack of any spectacular events taking place lately. It has been a busy week at work and home and I’m looking forward to the start of the weekend tonight.

Only note is that my work computer is possessed. Today I was scrolling down through a document when the following message showed up on the screen.

Not only did I apparently request translation, but in more than 1 language. Even as I speak, the computer is trying to restart. It would be okay if it was entertaining, but it just been annoying so far. Possessions are suppose to be, at the very minimal, amusing.


It is that time of year there are usually many fires. Well last weekend there was a fire near my work, which was covered heavily by the local news. Nothing out of the ordinary, but there are some interesting pictures.

Thursday, August 16, 2007


Since last week I was in Poky and I did not get around to contribute any posts, here are a few to catch up.

As previously posted, my sister got married. Congratulation again to Lindsay and Scott. I going to keep it simple and say it was an extraordinary event and if you were not there, you missed out.

Julie in the part of Austin Powers

After the wedding, Julie (maid of honor) was saying how good she was looking. I thought it would be funny if Julie would repeat one famous line from the latest Austin Powers movie, which took a little coaxing. This post is mainly for people that know Julie, otherwise you might not find it as funny. I was able to capture on Video, Julie stating “I’m one sexy bitch”. This will be available for purchase soon on eBay.

In case Julie is reading, I am just kidding.

Even though Mike Meyers makes a much better delivery, this was hilarious.

And to answers your question before you even ask, NO I was not drinking. I left that the KEY man


The funniest monument of the wedding reception happened during the toast by the best man. He was complementing the newly weds on how perfect they were for each other. Then noted that Scott was no longer available and all ex-girlfriends need to return their keys at that very moment. Several ladies stood up and started returning keys to Scott at the head table. Including one pregnant lady. But the priceless moment was the last person, Andy (Updates, suckas!) returning his key.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

How Sweet It Is

There is that time that comes every spring, the feeling that something is missing. You try to find a substitute, but nothing can replace it. The only thing to resolve this conflict is to wait for the end of August. If you have to ask, “What is this glorious event?” Then you probably don’t feel the same way, but it is

Start of Football Season

After football ends each year, there is a temporally diversion by March Madness. Then possibility this extended into summer with NBA, if any team beside the Spurs is winning. Watching them play is so boring no matter who they are playing. All other sports are just to fill the time in between football seasons. I don’t even see why baseball continues once football starts.

Nothing beats the start of the season. Even though it is pre-season and the games do not count. No matter who you root for, this is a new beginning. Hoping that it is your team’s year and the empty feeling is gone.

Movie Reviews - The Homer Bourne Segment

Most of the prior week was spent in preparation for my sisters wedding , but I was able to catch a couple of movies.

The Simpsons Movie - This was basically a extended TV episode, which I still enjoyed very much and I would highly recommend. There is a reason the Simpsons have been around for ever, they never get old. There were a few things that they included because it was a movie. Like Marge swearing. But the did not over do it like the South Park movie, where the first 10 minutes had enough swearing to make up for all previous and future episodes on TV.

Bourne Ultimatum - If you want action, there was no stop. This I always enjoy, but my overall rating would be okay. I believe that I had too high of expectations. For the plot closure of a trilogy, I found it a little disappointing. I still cannot put my finger on what was missing, but there was something and apparently they couldn’t figure it out also. Of course they also left a little opening for the possibility of another movie. If you are a fan of the first two movies, it is a must see.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007


A friend of mine at work just recently got engaged. Last weekend he and his future wife went to register for gifts. If anybody has went through this task before, you know that the main function of the guy is hold the scanner gun and fire away when directed.

Well my friend was telling me during this event of his at Bed Bath and Beyond, he came across the SHEDENDER and just couldn’t help to scan it. This “AS SEEN ON TV” product is the answer to all your pet shedding problems. You got to love these products and there wonderful info commercials, which you can watch online now.

This event just goes to show that men can not take the responsibility of the scanning gun. There is always some occasions when the guy are able to add a few items when the significant other is directed elsewhere, whether they know about it or not.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Something Weird Is Going On With This Blog

Lately after making a post, I’ll view my blog to see if everything looks okay. Well this was been difficult, since my posts are not showing up immediately. At first, I would come back later (next day) and these posts would appear. But I made a couple of posts before my vacation last week, and I still cannot see them. I am thinking that the reason is due to my computer. I was also thinking of asking the readers if they can see this posts, but there is 2 problems.

1st - How can readers tell me if these posts are not showing up

2nd - Not sure if there are any readers

If either one is true then it would not help. Of course if the 2nd one is true, does it matter?


I was just recently looking at my reoccurring meetings at work and decided to see when this items ended. I kept going and going, and final stopped when I reached January of 2058. The meetings did not stop, which would make me 80 years old on this date. So according my calendar I will never leave this job. No retirement.

Now I am glad to be back in the US and back home, but that is a little crazy.

Thursday, August 2, 2007


Since I will soon be heading out this weekend and I’m not sure if I will feel like make any posts until I get back (most likely won’t). I thought I would congratulate the soon to be wed couple.

Lindsay and Scott


Endless Stupid Theme

Today, I saw a safety message at work and it got me thinking how a stupid idea (theme), even though it might be amusing occasionally, is so over done. This theme I am talking about started with a commercial, expanding into a series of commercials, and soon will be the subject of a new TV show. The theme I am referring “So Easy a Caveman Can Do It”, which was the title of this the safety message.

I don’t understand these themes that refer to people being stupid or dumb. Like the popular series of books where you can fill in the blanks with any subject “_____ for Dummies” or Idiots guide to ________”. There seems to be no end.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Time for Vacation

Well it is that time again. Time to head off on another vacation. Over the past year and half, I’ve been to Washington DC, Ireland, London, Reykjavik, Paris, Amsterdam, and the trip I have failed to make any post concerning - Colorado Springs (side trip to South Dakota). All these trips have been enjoyable, exception of Reykjavik due to the location and I did not want to be Iceland at the time.

So, I’ve been on more trips over the last year and half than I’ve been in my entire life. What is the big adventure this time...well it is good old Poky. The final destination for many world bound tourists for the endless activities and sites.

All kidding aside, the exciting occasion for this trip will be my sisters wedding. In addition to this glory occasion, I am looking forward to vegging out and finally being able to catch up on some much needed rest. No work around the house. No getting up early for work. No plans, so to speak besides the event list previously. Able to catch up on some of summer movies if I feel up to it. And no worries.

~~ The Man Code ~~

Never talk to a man in the bathroom unless you're on equal footing: either both urinating or both waiting in line. In all other situations, a nod is all the conversation you need.

If a man's zipper is down, that's his problem you didn't see nothin'.

The universal compensation for buddies who help you move is beer.

Never hesitate to reach for the last beer or the last slice of pizza, but not both. That's just plain mean.

Bitching about the brand of free beer in a buddy's refrigerator is forbidden. You may gripe if the temperature is unsuitable.

Any man who brings a camera to a bachelor party may be legally killed and eaten by his fellow party goers.

Women who claim they "love to watch sports" must be treated as spies until they demonstrate knowledge of the game and theability to pick a buffalo wing clean.

My Favorite - If a buddy is outnumbered, out manned, or too drunk to fight, you must jump into the fight. Exception: If within the last 24 hours his actions have caused you to think, "What this guy needs is a good ass-whoopin", then you may sit back and enjoy.

Unless he murdered someone in your immediate family, you must bail a friend out of jail within 12 hours.

The minimum amount of time you have to wait for another guy who's running late is 5 minutes. For a woman, you are required to wait 10 minutes for every point of hotness she scores on the classic 1-10 scale.

No man is ever required to buy a birthday present for another man. In fact, even remembering a friend's birthday is strictly optional and slightly gay.

When stumbling upon other guys watching a sports event, you may always ask the score of the game in progress, but you may never ask who's playing.

It is permissible to consume a fruity chick drink only when you're sunning on a tropical beach... and it's delivered by a topless super model...and it's free.

A man in the company of a hot, suggestively dressed woman must remain sober enough to fight.

If you compliment a guy on his six-pack, you better be referring to his beer.

Thou shall not rent the movie "Chocolat"

Under no circumstances may two men share an umbrella.