Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Welcome back present

Upon arrival back home there was a lovely gift awaiting my return. Approximately 2 years ago (right before I left home for work) I also received this very same present. You may be asking what is this wonderful gift? A summons for JURY DUTY.

BOY WAS I EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!

I thought it would only be right to make a post about this after my civic duty had ended. So this is the reason for the delay.

The first time this happened, I initially thought of trying to get out of this responsibility. But shortly after receiving the summons I decided to just serve the term, instead of giving some lame excuse (if it even worked) to try get out of it. Resulting is being called to the court house during the first week of the term.
The Monday I reported and was chosen for the jury selection process after many hours of waiting. Before going in for jury selection, they give everybody a number. This was the order we were brought into the court room and my lucky number was #2 out of 15. This was strike 1 for being selected for the trial.

During one point during the jury selection that the defendants lawyer asked the group the following question. “Someone is _____ until proven guilty?” Of course, nobody answered the question right away. So he continued to ask the question over and over with nobody answering. After getting annoyed, I answered the damn question, “innocent”. Immediately after answering, two things went through my mind.

First, by answering the question correctly, I was basically volunteering to be selected. Strike 2.

Second thought was a quote from the movie Runaway Jury, where Gene Hackman at one point of the movie basically stated “Do you really want to trust the verdict in a group of people that are too stupid to get out of Jury Duty?” Well there was strike 3, a perfect example of being too stupid to get out Jury Duty and being selected for a trial. As for the trial, it lasted into the next day and nothing too interesting to report.

Well for the latest time being called, after arriving home, again I thought making a excuses to get out of the service again. But again just decided to get it over with instead of delaying it to another month. Which I know they would not leave me alone until I moved away. Anyway, four weeks have passed and I was not called to duty this term. Unfortunately, this will probably move me to another summons in a couple of months (even though it is suppose to be random).

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