Monday, May 7, 2007

Coffee Angel

A while back I read about a coffee shop in Salt Lake City that had come up with a new T-shirt design, which depicted the angel Moroni with java flowing into his trumpet.

In case you don’t know, the statues on top of Mormon (LDS) temples are of the angel Moroni.

Of course some people objected to the image, and the Mormon Church had asked them to stop using the image.

A couple of days ago, there was another story in the news about the same coffee shop. They complied with the request. Now there is a new design for their T-shirt, which has a hand (with a dark suit sleeve and white shift cuff) poring coffee from a pot into a horn, and includes “the Lord giveth, and the church taketh away”.

In the first 2 weeks they already have over 150 orders from all across the country for the new design.

I say that there is nothing like a little controversy to sell more.

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