Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Random Thoughts

I know that this is a little late, but January 16th marked my one year anniversary being in Iceland. You may ask how did I celebrate this joyous occasion? Answer, consume enough rum to remove all thoughts of this event. Unfortunately I had to sober up and there is the constant reminded of still being here.

“Hoth” represents the place I live fairly well. My recent attempt to escape my current imprisonment on this ICE land has made me rethink the title of my Blog. My thoughts are of a different SiFi movie. “Jim on the Gulag Planetoid Rura Penthe” is better realization of my current status. For those who don’t know, Rura Penthe is the ice-covered Klingon penal colony from Star Trek VI. But I’m going to stay with the “Jim on Hoth”, mainly because the sound of the new title doesn’t appeal to me like the current title and I am more of a fan of Star Wars than Star Trek.

My attempted escape failed, but the good news is couple of friends has just recently fulfilled this seemingly impossible feat. So there is still hope.

For the last couple of weeks, I have been going through withdraws from lack of decent consumables & entertainment. Occasionally I regress back to childhood by finding bliss from cartoons and PB&J. But this came to a screeching halt when I found out that my Peter Pan PB was part of the recalled, of course this is after I eaten half the jar. But don’t worry. No Salmonella and the “Captain” has saved the day again, and no this captain is not Kirk. Just recently I received a care package from my lovely wife, which contained a box of Captain Crunch. In addition to some newly acquired movies, life is better now.

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