Sunday, January 28, 2007

Back to the Stone Age

Recently I heard that Iceland was one of the fastest European countries in the means of advancing in technologies. When I heard this I was kind of disappointed that they did not elaborate, due to the fact that I have been in Iceland for over a year now and I do not see it. Of course when I heard this, it was on the English radio station on Iceland’s major airline and they are probably a little bias. But from my experience there always seems that something is lost in translation. Also, my personal opinion is that most Icelanders forget about anything/anyone outside the Reykjavik area, which is 90% of Iceland population, for this little island. So this could be true, but when I went snowboarding last weekend these thoughts kept popping into my head. Here is a picture of there main lift.

Of course for those who don’t ski/snowboard, this probably doesn’t mean much. But I would not be suprised if this surface lift was twice as old as I am and while I boarding that day, I was expecting someone to show up on the slopes with wooden skies.

1 comment:

YMMV said...

I think their technological advancements in ski sports come in the form of creating cyborg snowboarders, who are smarter, faster and stronger than the rest of us. Plus they have cool names like Lars Hammerskold. Speaking of names, I've been toying with the name Baron Von Peepsalot. I like that.