Monday, March 10, 2008

About time for an UPDATE!!!

Back in January, I made a similar post stating it was about time for another post with all intentions to making another post in between now and then. Well if you actually check my blog, my good intentions ended up resulting with not a single post. Needless to say work and little boy have kept my very busy. No promises, but more attempts will be made in the future.

Speaking of little boy, just barley over three months old and is doing very good. His sleeping habits are improving, which is much welcomed by mom and dad. Even though he is letting mom and dad sleep a little more, he still reluctant to allow us to eat a hot meal. Prior to dinner every night he is usually content, but when ever we sit down to eat he has to remind us who is most important and cries until our food is cold. You would think it would help with a diet, but if you seen me lately that thought wouldn’t ever cross your mind. Speaking of eating, Brendan’s new thing is trying to eat his hands. Sometime the ability to keep his hands out of his mouth while trying to feed him has become a challenge in itself.

Anyway, I thought it was time to share a photo

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