Friday, February 9, 2007



Today at work was very boring, a lot of paperwork and I realized that there are some little things/inventions that make life so much easier.

This realization started as I was reviewing this paperwork. There were several mistakes, so I reached into my desk to grab the white out dispenser and hand came up empty. Some bastard took it from my desk. At first, I thought no problem I will go get another one from the supply cabinet. Come to find out that there is no more of these items in the office and apparently we have been out for some time. No wonder some one stole it. To solve this solution our wonderful administrative assistant was able to locate a brand new bottle of liquid paper. Now this bottle had a new feature, the top is made like a pen. I thought some new could be cool. It started out okay, but after the 4th mistake I was hiding the tip clogged. I was able to un-clog the tip and start again. Well it did not last much longer until it was clogged again. This happened a couple of times before I finally gave up on the new feature and started using the brush inside of the bottle. Soon after this I had white out over everything, including myself, except what I was trying to cover up. This started to get annoying, so I ditched the whole white out concept and started crossing thing out with my pen. The bad part I need one of the guys working for me to correct these mistake electronically and reprint these documents again. So guess what I will be doing tomorrow.

If you guessed paperwork, you would be CORRECT!!! Now this new feature is not what I call making life easier, but the white dispinser I consider a greatest invention. I can’t believe I miss my white out dispenser, how sad is that.


YMMV said...

I would just fire anybody that needed to see that memo. That would cut down on paperwork. You could even send them off into the snowstorms of Hoth until they disappear, and call it your own "white out."

Jim said...

Andy thanks for the advice.

Since I am oh so powerful at work and can fire anybody, I'll take your advice into consideration.

Maybe that could be my superhero power. The ability to fire anybody, then I can join your group of superheroes to take on evil.