Friday, December 8, 2006

On the Bandwagon

I’m always inspired by great people of this world, including Mr. Robinson. On the 29th of November I had the pleasure of his introduction of me on the ever popular Updates, suckas! With this great honor, I’ll return the favor by renaming my blog (never was happy with the name anyways).

So to you Andy, the title is now Jim on Hoth!


The Kemps said...

hey this has nothing to do with you being on hoth. I was wonf=dering if pirates was one of the movies you were having trouble with on dvd shrink. and if so were you able to fix it..

YMMV said...

I hear if you leave your DVD in the dryer too long, it will shrink, kinda like a sweater. Just FYI.

The Kemps said...

i guess jim never looks at this