Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Vacationing 101 – Always take you Camera

Our first day in Reykjavik has been kind of uneventful. Shell has arrived safely with this morning and has a little jet lag. So today we have been lying around the hotel.

Our plan is to rest up today before setting off to see all the sites. For this reason, we missed the lunch service at the hotel restaurant and decided to take a taxi to Ruby Tuesdays for lunch with the intention of retuning shortly after we ate. This ended up being interesting since the taxi driver got lost, driving around the city centre. But we finally arrived and were able to obtain some what of an American meal, which I have been craving for some time now. After eliminating all hungry pains and regenerating our energy, we decided to walk down one of the shopping streets located nearby. Once we started off, both of us realized that we forgot to bring the camera. In addition, this was worse due to fact the weather today was rarely nice and sunny.

Most of our hiking adventure today was not that spectacular and there was not much that called for a picture. But one thing led to another and we ended up at the Hallgr ímskirkja, which is the largest church in Iceland and in my opionion is remarkable.

We ended up walking the remaining distance back to hotel, but we will have to go back and take some pictures. Luckly we can see it from our hotel and I am able to include a picture.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jim, I check out your blog whenever I get a chance. I like to know how you're doing since we don't get to talk much. Take Care and have a great time with Michelle. Lots of love, Raquel