Friday, December 8, 2006

On the Bandwagon

I’m always inspired by great people of this world, including Mr. Robinson. On the 29th of November I had the pleasure of his introduction of me on the ever popular Updates, suckas! With this great honor, I’ll return the favor by renaming my blog (never was happy with the name anyways).

So to you Andy, the title is now Jim on Hoth!

Friday, December 1, 2006

Something About Mary

Well Thanksgiving has come and gone, unfortunately I had to come back to Iceland. Well at least it will be a short stay before heading back for Christmas. Had a great time during my Thanksgiving break, has a chance to see the family and catch up with some old friends back in Poky. Currently I am slowly working my way back to the job site and waiting for my last flight. I have now been awake for 18 hours and I suffer from the inability to sleep on fights. Dam you motion sickness. I am letting everyone know the reason if any of this post doesn’t make since.

I wanted to share my newest experience during my 6 hour flight from Minneapolis to Reykjavik. During the flight the showed the movie “Something about Mary”, which is very funny show but there was a new twist. If you have not seen or you remember the show this might not be the same as if you have. You may be asking how is there a new twist to an old show? Well it is how they censor those scenes inappropriate for non-adult viewers. In the show, the PI is outside Mary’s house when she begins undressing. They did not cut any parts out, instead the placed the black bars to cover up and not just any black bar, the black bar stated “Look Away”. I thought that this was kind of peculiar, but the next scene they censored was even weirder. For those who that need a reminded of the scene, Ben Stiller is getting ready to go on his big date with Mary and he is the bathroom relieving his loaded gun. Instead of a black bar, the whole picture was replaced with a black screen with a statement, which I cannot remember the exact phase since I am very tired, but it basically said it was inappropriate scene and you should ask a friend to explain. I was thinking that if you did not know what was going on, since they left the sound un-edited, then you do not really need to know what was going on.

Maybe this was funny, due to the fact I am at the point of becoming delirious from the lack of sleep. But at least it amused me for a little while on a very boring flight.